Среда, 22.01.2025, 05:37
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Kurgan Region


Considerable distance of the territory to the seas, shield of the Ural mountains from west, direct neighbourhood with vast steppe regions from the south, and also terrain relief and the features of air masses circulation determine continental nature of the climate (cold winter with little snow and warm dry summer). Often returns of chills are characteristic for spring. There is lack of moisture in summer and periodically recurring droughts.

The annual course of air temperature is sharp and is combined with large variability of winter and spring months temperatures in different years. The greatest weather instability is observed in the Beginning of winter - December, in spring months - April, May. January is the coldest month, and the warmest month in the Transurals is July.

The average annual sum of precipitations on the territory of the region varies within the limits from 470 mms up to 320 mm. The precipitation quantity decreases from northwest to southeast. Summer precipitations considerably dominate above winter, the maximum is in July and reaches in the west 70-80 mms, in the southeast 50-60 mm.

Winter in Kurgan region is the longest of all seasons. The period with a steady snow cover oscillates from 150 to 160 days. The altitude of the snow cover on average reaches 38 cm in north and 26 cm in south, but it considerably oscillates in different years. The snow cover is set in at the end of the first and in the Beginning of the second decade of November. In the Beginning of April the winter cover begins to disappear, and to the end of the second decade the snow finally descends in the all territory of the region.

The flat nature of terrain and continental climate promotes constant motion of air masses. Winds of western and southwest directions dominate. Average speed of air masses movement is 4-5 meters per second, but freqeuntly the strength of sharp gusty winds reaches 15-20 meters per second. The most quiet are December and January, the most windy are March, April, May, June.

The atmospheric pressure changes according to the air temperature and passing of cyclones and anticyclones. When cyclone passes, the pressure reduces, and when anticyclone passes it increases. On the average the year pressure makes 756.6 mm. The lowest pressure is marked in a warm season (up to 749.4 mm on the average and up to 721.6 mm minimum). In winter the pressure increases on average up to 764.5 mm and maximum up to 791.5 mm.

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